Broom Valley Community School

“Together We Dare To Dream Big”

Y3 Curriculum

Welcome to Y3’s class pages!

Autumn term:

Our Year 3 team are so excited to start the year and welcome our children back into school. Your teachers are: Miss Davison and Mr Harding.   Our key driver this half term is Art - ‘If buildings could speak, what would they say?’ We will be studying the work of L.S Lowry, Stephen Wiltshire, and Jo Peel to discover how meaning and mood can be conveyed effectively through art. At the end of our topic, we are aiming to create 3D collages using a variety of techniques including shading, stippling, and hatching.   As well as art, our weekly lessons will include French, science, and music, where we will be learning to play the ukulele as a whole class.  If you would like to see what other subjects we will be covering, or look back at the year, please visit our curriculum pages.



Our core text for writing is:

  • Iron Man by Ted Hughes

Our Reading for Pleasure texts are:

  • The building boy by David Litchfield


Things to remember:

  • Please ensure your child brings their book bag with them every day. 
  • PE is on Thursday and Friday - children need to come in their PE kit. Please ensure your child wears suitable clothing (not jeans or boots). PE kit is a white T-shirt and blue/black joggers/leggings/shorts. Trainers or pumps. 


Below are the knowledge organisers for the key driver subjects so far this year:

Autumn Term 1:

Autumn Term 2:

Spring Term 1: 

Spring Term 2: 

Summer Term 1: