Broom Valley Community School

“Together We Dare To Dream Big”

Y4 Curriculum

Welcome to Y4’s class pages!

Spring term:

Our Year 4 team are so excited to start the new calendar year and welcome our children back into school and your teachers are: Mr Atherton and Miss Davison.  Our key driver this half term is Geography - 'A Study of Europe - Which continent do we belong to?' We will be studying the Countries and Capital cities that make up the continent of Europe wich a focus on Slovakia. We will then compare Bratislava with Sheffield to see how our Human and Physical features share similarities and differences with eachother.  In our non-intensive teaching, we will revisit previously taught learning in Art, History, Music, RE and DT.   We will be sending home knowledge organisers for each subject, which can be used at home. If you would like to see what other subjects we will be covering, or look back at the year, please visit our curriculum pages.



Our Reading for Pleasure texts are:

  • King of the Cloud Forests by Michael Morpurgo
  • Meet me by the Steelmen byTheresa Tomlinson

Things to remember:

  • Please ensure your child brings their book bag with them every day. 
  • PE is on Tuesday and Friday  - children need to come in their PE kit. Please ensure your child wears suitable clothing (not jeans or boots). PE kit is a white T-shirt and blue/black joggers/leggings/shorts. Trainers or pumps. 
  • Times tables are vital in Y4. Please ensure your child is practising these on a regular basis. 


Below are the knowledge organisers for the key driver subjects so far this year:

Spring Term (2) 2025:

Spring Term (1) 2025:

Autumn Term 2024: