Y5 Curriculum
Welcome to Y5’s class pages!
Spring term:
Our Year 5 team are so excited to start the term and start off from where we left after a brilliant Autumn term! Our Year 5 teachers are: Mr Hawkins and Mr Smith in Y5 Elder and Mr Wilson in Y5 Redwood. Our learning support staff are Miss Newbound, Mrs Lendrum, Mrs Jones and Mrs Billingsley.
Wiggins, the school dog, also makes a frequent visit as she belongs to Mr Smith!
Year 5 will be studying the rainforests of the world with a particular focus on the Amazon. We will deep dive into how the Amazon works both environmentally and by humans. Our book, The Shaman's Apprentice, is a very insightful look at tribal communities and the effects of outside influence. The story will enable us to write in fiction and produce nonfiction work around the rainforest. Our key driver subject is geography, where we will explore rivers and how the river Amazon is used as a lifeline for Brazil. In our non-intensive teaching, we will revisit previously taught learning on art, history, music, RE and DT. We will be sending home knowledge organisers for each subject, which can be used at home. If you would like to see what other subjects we will be covering, or look back at the year, please visit our curriculum pages. PE this term is still on a Monday and Friday afternoons and both are outdoor. Monday is Tag Rugby and Friday is tennis!
Our core text for writing is:
- The Shaman's Apprentice by Lynne Cherry
Our Reading for Pleasure texts are:
- The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tullane by Kate DiCamillo
Things to remember:
- Please ensure your child brings their book bag with them every day.
- PE is on Monday and Friday - children need to come in their PE kit. Please ensure your child wears suitable clothing (not jeans or boots). PE kit is a white T-shirt and blue/black joggers/leggings/shorts with trainers or pumps.
Below are the knowledge organisers for the key driver subjects so far this year:
Spring Term 1:
Autumn Term 2:
Autumn Term (1) 2024: